Back by popular demand, we have put together a short list of flights that are scheduled to depart in 2020 and arrive back in 2019. Each flight departs in 2019 and arrives in 2018 on Jan. 1, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2019 in local times for each city.

The list may not include all of the respective flights, but contains a reasonable majority. If we are missing any that are worth noting, shoot us a note here.

You can track and share these flights using FlightRadar24 or FlightAware. Be sure to share your photos or tracking screenshots of these flights with us on Twitter.

Airline Flight # Departure Airport Arrival Airport Local Scheduled Dep. Time Local Scheduled Arr. Time
Cathay Pacific 880 HKG LAX 0:15 20:24
Cathay Pacific 872 HKG SFO 1:00 20:55
Air New Zealand 40 AKL PPT 10:53 16:38
ANA 106 HND LAX 0:05 16:35
United 200 GUM HNL 7:50 18:55
