Here Comes the Sun: Inside Sun Country’s Transition to a…

As Minnesota's Sun Country Airlines approaches its one-year anniversary of being introduced into Apollo Global Management, the airline has started to see management and brand changes come to fruition. The Minneapolis-based leisure airline has actively rebranded itself this last fiscal…

Sun Country Airlines Announces New Changes Following Low-Cost Restructuring

Sun Country Airlines’ President and CEO Jude Bricker announced in an email on Wednesday the airline’s newest cabin changes following the restructuring of the airline with a low-cost business model. The shift from Sun Country’s traditional full-service model comes 6-months…

Sun Country Airlines Sold to Investment Giant Apollo Global Management

On Thursday, Minneapolis-based Sun Country Airlines announced that it had been acquired by Apollo Global Management, a major investment group based in New York City. The deal, subject to regulatory approval, is expected to be completed by the first quarter…

JetBlue Announces New Service to Minneapolis from Boston

JetBlue Airways has announced a new city in their route network. Beginning May 3, the airline will begin thrice-daily service between Minneapolis/St. Paul and their hub in Boston. Flights will be operated by the airline's 150-seat Airbus A320 aircraft. The…